EclairFome's Website!!!

 Heya! My name is Eclair (nickname, not actual name lmao) and you probably know me from discord :3

A little about me

I'm a 19yo uni student from Panama and I speak both English and Spanish fluently, currently in my 3rd year of Software Development. I graduated one year early from highschool (my school is just built different) with a bachelor of Arts, Science and Philosophy. Atm I work in machine learning research and development at a software development company and tbh im still not sure in what I want to fully specialize in but I really like AI!

I reaaaaaally like animals, geography, geopolitics, theology, technology, gaming, photography and learning language writing systems! No, like actually, I go crazy for writting systems and have learned my fair share of hebrew, hangul (korean) and a bit of thai. Dont ask me to actually speak one of these I just learn the writting systems for the fun of it!

I seriously tried to stick to a 3rd language to actually learn but I always hop between them, atm Im looking into Mandarin (traditional script) because it blends usefulness and enjoyment for me despite being logographic, which I really hated but Im growing fond of it.

My sense of humor is legit completely broken and I seriously wonder if I can even consider myself to be sane anymore.

Some stuff of mine


Silly bot you can try on my server!
I literally host it on my old phone.

Link to my server
Social thingies

I dont really post much in anything, but still
(I post pics on IG!)


If you wanna see what I play here is my PlayTracker profile :3


My yt music recap summary (2023) :0

The end for now xd